Monday, July 11, 2011

Day 18

Weight 168.8

Today was a fun day! We went rock climbing.  Towards the end of the trip I was feeling SO drained physically!  I was really hot, I had exerted a ton of energy, and was sticking to my 500 calories.  As we were leaving to head home, I made two chicken roll ups with deli chicken breast and lettuce with some mustard on it rolled up.  And on the second one, I cheated and I have to admit this for myself.  I put a slice of provolone cheese on it.  And it was SO yummy.  If I didn't add that admission, you may think that I am doing this exactly perfect, but I am human.  But I stick to the diet strictly 99% of the time.  But today I really needed more substance if I was going to make it through the rest of the day.  I am curious to see what my weight is tomorrow.  I snacked on strawberries and drank lots and lots and lots of water.  Before we left to climb I made one of my chicken and lettuce roll ups.  With no cheese.  And I ate my grissini's.  On the way to the State Park, we stopped at 7-11 for a free slurpee.  Of course I didn't get one but everyone else did and I asked Brandon to get me a diet Dr. Pepper.  Yes, Diet.  I thought I wanted it and I have been told numerous times that it will help with my energy.  One swig of it and my head was pounding!  I am happy that my body responds that way because it takes away the temptation completely.  And one more thing.  Brandon's favorite place to stop for a treat is on the way home from this particular park.  So we stopped.  And everyone got chocolate malts.  But not me.  And I was ok with that because I know the rewards of sticking to this.  BUT I was peer pressured into a swig and it was the YUMMIEST thing EVER!  So I had a few slip ups today.  And at the end of the day, I said a little prayer in my head asking if it would be ok for me to throw the cheese on that roll up and I didn't get any stooper of thought so I decided my body needed the little extra for all we had done today.

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