Sunday, June 26, 2011

Day 3

June 26
185.2 lbs

Wow, that number is going in the wrong direction.  Today has been my first day on the 500 cal diet.  I won't lie, all through church all I thought about was food.  And when I got home I had to talk to myself a million times to not grab just one little wheat thin to taste or poke my pinky into the peanut butter.  But I was strong!  I had my small handful of strawberries, 4 oz of chicken breast cooked with salt and pepper and one serving of a cucumber.  I also had one grassini.  And surprisingly, that was satisfying.  But I am still thinking I want to eat something sweet but I can beat that feeling.  And I look forward to the weigh in tomorrow morning. 


  1. hun what kind of before pic is that... :) I can't even see you :P

    Best of luck! I'm sure you'll have great success IF you stick to it!

  2. Ya! I am soooo excited for you! Having been a beneficiary of the HCG diet myself, I am on pins and needles waiting for the results of your efforts.

    Tomorrow morning we are going to Sprouts to get you some herbal teas and Stevia. It will help with the sweet tooth. After your body goes through the withdrawals from the sugar and caffeine it is used to, the cravings will calm down. (At least that's what helped me.) I also found eating an apple in the morning or after dinner helped calm the SCREAMS for sugar I was experiencing. You don't have to eat your fruit with your meal you can spread it out and save it for when your cravings are the strongest.

    I am so PROUD of you! This is a tough thing you are doing and you are so committed. All my Love.


  3. please help me get motivated. i start and stop over and over.
